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A utility to study and analyse cancer-associated metabolites using knowledge graphs

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CanGraph is a python program that allows you to extract information about a newly discovered or existing metabolite from the following databases:

Human Metabolome DB 👨🏽

Detailed information on small molecule metabolites found in the human body

DrugBank 💉

Detailed drug data with comprehensive drug target information

Exposome Explorer 🔎

Dedicated to biomarkers of exposure to environmental risk factors for disease, specially cancers

WikiData 📊

The free knowledge base with 99,190,630 data items that anyone can edit


Small Molecule Pathways, over 70% of which not found in any other db

MeSH and MetaNetX 📍

Unified NameSpace for metabolites and Medical Subject Headings.

For this purpose, CanGraph accepts any of the following inputs:

  • InChI: The International Chemical Identifier for the metabolite, which can be calculated using Open Source Software and identifies a metabolite with 99.99% accuracy based on its structure

  • InChIKey: The Hashed, shortened version of the InChI, sometimes used for efficiency

  • Name: A commonly accepted name for the metabolite; preferably, IUPAC’s standarized name

  • HMDB_ID: The Metabolite’s Identifier in the Human Metabolome Database

  • ChEBI_ID: The Metabolite’s Identifier in the ChEBI Database

which must be provided as explained in CanGraph’s README


This research was funded by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche Project number ANR-19-CE45-0021 (New approaches to bridge the gap between genome-scale metabolic networks and untargeted metabolomics – MetClassNet) and the Deutsche ForschungsGemeinschaft Project number 431572533 (MetClassNet: new approaches to bridge the gap between genome-scale metabolic networks and untargeted metabolomics )


You can check MetClassNet’s Official Website here

Most of the work for this project has been carried out at the International Agency for Research on Cancer’s OncoMetaBolomics Team
