CanGraph package#

The Schema for CanGraph, shown on Neo4J browser

This Git Project, created as part of my Master’s Intenship at IARC, contains a series of scripts that pulls information from a series of five databases from their native format (XML, CSV, etc) into a common, GraphML format, using a shared schema that has been defined to minimize the number of repeated nodes and properties. This databases are:

  • Exposome-Explorer: A hand-curated, high-quality database of associations between metabolites, food intakes and outakes and different diseases, specially cancers.

  • Human Metabolome DataBase: An detailed, electronic database containing detailed information about small molecule metabolites found in the human body.

  • DrugBank: A unique bioinformatics and cheminformatics resource that combines detailed drug data with comprehensive drug target information.

  • Small Molecule Pathway Database: An interactive database containing more than 618 small molecule pathways found in humans, More than 70% of which are unique to this DB

  • WikiData: The world’s largest collaboratively generated collection of Open Data worldwide.

Each of then have their unique advantages and disadvantages (size, quality, etc) but they have been chosen to work together and help in identifying metabolites and their potential cancer associations at IARC.

With regards to the schema, it can be consulted in detail in the new-schema.graphml file, which can itself be opened in Neo4J by calling: CALL apoc.import.graphml("new-schema.graphml", {useTypes:true, storeNodeIds:false, readLabels:True}) after placing it in your Neo4J’s import directory (you can find it in the settings shown after starting the server with sudo neo4j start). It consists of a simplification of all the nodes present on the old-schema.graphml file (which itself represents the five different schemas that our five databases natively presented), arrived at by merging nodes and changing relationship names so that they are unique (and, thus, more actionable). One property, LabelName has been added as a dummy name to generate the image you can see in the header.

This repo contains two kind of scripts: first, some scripts, which contain the information to re-build the databases in the common format from scratch, and are located in subsequent subfolders named after the database they come from (more info can be consulted on them on their respective READMEs) and a common script, which can be used to query for sub-networks based solely on info presented on a sample_input.csv database of identified compounds which we would like to annotate.


To use this script, you should first clone it into your personal computer. The easiest way to do this is to git clone the repo:

  1. Install git (if not already installed) and other requirements. On linux: sudo apt install git curl

  2. Clone the repo: git clone

  3. Step into the directory cd graphify-databases

Once the project has been installed, you must run, a preparation script that guides you through the process of installing all five databases on your computer, so that then we can correctly process them and generate the sub-networks. You should also install the required python modules and run the setup script:

  1. PIP install all dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt

  2. Run the setup script: python3

Once this has been done, you are ready to start using the main script!

NOTE: If you do not wish to use git, you can manually download the repo by clicking here


To generate this sub-networks (the original idea of the project) you should run:

python3 neo4jadress databaseusername databasepassword databasefolder inputfile


  • neo4jadress: is the URL of the database, in neo4j:// or bolt:// format

  • username: the username for your neo4j instance. Remember, the default is neo4j

  • password: the password for your database. Since the arguments are passed by BaSH onto python3, you might need to escape special characters

  • databasefolder: The folder indicated to as the one where your databases will be stored

  • inputfile: The location of the CSV file in which the program will search for metabolites. This file should be a Comma-Separated file, with the following format: MonoisotopicMass, SMILES, InChIKey, Name, InChI, Identifier, ChEBI

All images in this repository are CC-BY-SA-4.0 International Licensed.

NOTE: When committing to the repo, try to use GitMojis to illustrate your commit :p

Important Notices#

  • Some databases are auto-integrated based on their URLs. This URLs, as well as those of existing dependencies, may change over time. Please make sure to have them updated in case you want to run the latest version of the databases

  • We have made our best efforts to make the script as multi-platform as possible; however, the script has been developed with Linux in mind, and you may need to install additional packages if you want to run it on Windows or MacOS. Please, check the dependencies section for more info


This python package has the following known dependencies:



Order to install

Python 3.8

the python programming language

sudo apt install python3


command line tool for transferring data from URLs

sudo apt install curl


a graph dbms

python3 -c'import setup; setup.setup_neo4j("neo4j", True)'

Alternatively, as a one-liner: sudo apt install python3 curl; python3 -c'import setup; setup.setup_neo4j("neo4j", True)


CanGraph.deploy module#

A python module that simplifies deploying the different formats the program can present itself as:

  • A web documentation that is made using sphinx

  • A PDF manual likewise made, also using LaTeX

  • A git repo where the program can be accessed and version-tagged

  • And, in the future… a singularity container!

CanGraph.deploy Usage#

To use this module:

usage: python3 [-h] [-m] [-d] [-w] [-p]

Named Arguments#

-m, --main

deploy code to your dev branch

-d, --dev

deploy code to your main branch

-w, --web

deploys the documentation to the ‘pages’ web site, depending on which is activated

-p, --pdf

generates a PDF version of the sphinx manual, and saves it to the repo


For this program to work, the Git environment has to be set up first. You can ensure this by using: CanGraph.setup.setup_git

CanGraph.deploy Functions#

This module is comprised of:


Parses the command line arguments into a more usable form, providing help and more


A dictionary of the different possible options for the program as keys, specifying their set value. If no command-line arguments are provided, the help message is shown and the program exits.

Return type



Note that, in Google Docstrings, if you want a multi-line Returns comment, you have to start it in a different line :(


The return must be of type argparse.ArgumentParser for the argparse directive to work and auto-gen docs


Deploys code from a given branch to the corresponding remote.


branch (str) – The name of the branch of the local git repo that we want to deploy


Normally, the pages branch should be published using deploy_webdocs, which in theory would be weird to publish without updating the docs first

deploy_pdf_manual(docs_folder='./docs/', work_dir='.', manual_location='./CanGraph_Manual.pdf', prechecks_done=False, custom_domain=None)[source]#

Parses the command line arguments into a more usable form, providing help and more

Generates the PDF docs guide, and publishes it in manual_location

  • docs_folder (str) – The path to sphinx’s docs folder, where the tests will be run; by default ./docs/

  • work_dir (str) – The current Working Directory; by default

  • prechecks_done (bool) – Whether the prechecks present in ~CanGraph.deploy.make_sphinx_prechecks have already been made

  • custom_domain (str) – A custom domain to deploy de docs to.

  • manual_location (str) – The location (including filename) of the finalised PDF manual, relative to the location of the script


Whether the prechecks have already been done; always True if the function is run

Return type


deploy_webdocs(docs_folder='./docs/', work_dir='.', prechecks_done=False, custom_domain=None)[source]#

Generates the HTML web docs, and publishes it both to Github and Codeberg pages

  • docs_folder (str) – The path to sphinx’s docs folder, where the tests will be run; by default ./docs/

  • work_dir (str) – The current Working Directory; by default

  • prechecks_done (bool) – Whether the prechecks present in ~CanGraph.deploy.make_sphinx_prechecks have already been made

  • custom_domain (str) – A custom domain to deploy de docs to.


Whether the prechecks have already been done; always True if the function is run

Return type



For custom_domain to work, please configure your DNS records apparently


modules.rst is not removed, but it is correctly ignored in

git_push(path_to_repo, remote_names, commit_message, force=False)[source]#

Pushes the current repo’s state and current branch to a remote git repository

  • path_to_repo (str) – The path to the local .git folder

  • remote_names (list or str) – The names of the remote to which we want to commit, which must be previously configured (see CanGraph.setup.setup_git). e.g.: [“github”, “codeberg”]

  • commit_message (str) – The Git Commit Message for the current repo’s state

  • force (bool) – Whether to force the commit (necessary if you are resetting the HEAD)


gitpython is not good at managing complex commit messages (i.e. those with a Subject and a Body). If you want to add one of those, please, use \n as the separator; the function will take care of the rest

See also

The approach taken hare was inspired by StackOverflow #41836988


The function that executes the code

make_sphinx_prechecks(docs_folder='./docs/', work_dir='.', gen_apidocs=False)[source]#

Generates sphinx api-docs for automatic documentation and uses make linkcheck` to check for broken links

  • gen_apidocs (bool) – Whether to re-generate the API docs. Default is False since we use MD (we dont want RST files)

  • docs_folder (str) – The path to sphinx’s docs folder, where the tests will be run; by default ./docs/

  • work_dir (str) – The current Working Directory; by default .

CanGraph.main module#

A python module that leverages the functions present in the miscelaneous module and all other subpackages to annotate metabolites using a graph format and Neo4J, and then provides an GraphML export file.

CanGraph.main Usage#

To use this module:

A python utility to study and analyse cancer-associated metabolites using knowledge graphs

usage: python3 [-h] [-c] [-n] [-s] [-w] [-i] --query QUERY
                       [--dbfolder DBFOLDER] [--results RESULTS]
                       [--adress ADRESS] [--username USERNAME]
                       [--password PASSWORD]

Named Arguments#

-c, --check_args

Checks if the rest of the arguments are OK, then exits

-n, --noindex

Runs the program checking each file one-by-one, instead of using a JSON index

-s, --similarity

Deactivates the import of information based on Structural Similarity.This might dramatically increase processing time; default is True.

-w, --webdbs

Activates import of information based on web databases.This might dramatically increase processing time; default is True.

-i, --interactive

tells the script if it wants interaction from the user and more information shown to them; similar to –verbose


The location of the CSV file in which the program will search for metabolites


The folder indicated to `` as the one where your databases will be stored; default is ./DataBases


The folder where the resulting GraphML exports will be stored; default is ./Results


the URL of the database, in neo4j:// or bolt:// format


the username of the neo4j database in use


the password for the neo4j database in use. NOTE: Since passed through bash, you may need to escape some chars

You may find more info in the package’s README.


For this program to work, the Git environment has to be set up first. You can ensure this by using: CanGraph.setup.setup_git

CanGraph.main Functions#

This module is comprised of:


Add MeSH Term IDs, Synonym relations and Protein interactions to existing nodes using MeSH and MetaNetX Also, adds Kegg Pathway IDs


driver (neo4j.Driver) – Neo4J’s Bolt Driver currently in use


This function modifies the Neo4J Database as desired, but does not produce any particular return.


Once we finish the search, we annotate the nodes added to the database using WikiData


driver (neo4j.Driver) – Neo4J’s Bolt Driver currently in use


This function modifies the Neo4J Database as desired, but does not produce any particular return.


When fixing queries, fix the main subscript also


Parses the command line arguments into a more usable form, providing help and more


A dictionary of the different possible options for the program as keys, specifying their set value. If no command-line arguments are provided, the help message is shown and the program exits.

Return type



Note that, in Google Docstrings, if you want a multi-line Returns comment, you have to start it in a different line :(


The return must be of type argparse.ArgumentParser for the argparse directive to work and auto-gen docs


By using argparse.const instead of argparse.default, the check_file function will check “” (the current dir, always exists) if the arg is not provided, not breaking the function; if it is, it checks it.

build_from_file(filepath, Neo4JImportPath, driver)[source]#

Imports a given metabolite from a sigle-metabolite containing file by checking its type and calling the appropriate import functions.

  • filepath (str) – The path to the file in which will be imported

  • Neo4JImportPath (str) – The path which Neo4J will use to import data

  • driver (neo4j.Driver) – Neo4J’s Bolt Driver currently in use


This function does not provide a particular return, but rather imports the requested file


The filepath may be absolute or relative, but it is transformed to a relative relpath in order to remove possible influence of higher-name folders in the import type selection. This is also why the condition is stated as a big “if/elif/else” instead of a series of “ifs”

find_reasons_to_import_all_files(filepath, similarity, chebi_ids, names, hmdb_ids, inchis, mesh_ids)[source]#

Finds reasons to import a metabolite given a candidate filepath with one metabolite per file and a series of lists containing all synonyms of the values considered reasons for import

  • filepath (str) – The path to the file in which we will search for reasons to import

  • similarity (bool) – Whether to use similarity as a measure to import or not

  • chebi_ids (list) – A list of all the ChEBI_ID which are considered a reason to import

  • names (list) – A list of all the Name which are considered a reason to import

  • hmdb_ids (list) – A list of all the HMDB_ID which are considered a reason to import

  • inchis (list) – A list of all the InChI which are considered a reason to import

  • mesh_ids (list) – A list of all the MeSH_ID which are considered a reason to import


A list of the methods that turned out to be valid for import, such as Name, ChEBI_ID…

Return type


find_reasons_to_import_inchi(query, subject)[source]#

Takes two chains of text and finds if the query is present in the subject, or if there are molecules common between them with at least 95% similarity

  • query (str or list) – A string or list of strings describing valid InChI(s)

  • subject (str) – A valid InChI


A dict with each query as a key and the reason to import it as value, if there is one.

Return type


See also

This approach was taken from Chemistry StackExchange #82144


Since this is a one-to-one comparison, subject and query can be used interchangeably; however, bear in mind that only the query can be provided as a list

import_based_on_all_files(all_files, Neo4JImportPath, driver, similarity, chebi_ids, names, hmdb_ids, inchis, mesh_ids)[source]#

A function that searches inside a series of lists, provided as arguments, and imports the metabolites matching those present in them iterating over a list of files which may contain relevant information to be imported

  • all_files (list) – A list of all the posible files where we want to look for info

  • Neo4JImportPath (str) – The path which Neo4J will use to import data

  • driver (neo4j.Driver) – Neo4J’s Bolt Driver currently in use

  • similarity (bool) – Whether to use similarity as a measure to import or not

  • chebi_ids (list) – A list of all the ChEBI_ID which are considered a reason to import

  • names (list) – A list of all the Name which are considered a reason to import

  • hmdb_ids (list) – A list of all the HMDB_ID which are considered a reason to import

  • inchis (list) – A list of all the InChI which are considered a reason to import

  • mesh_ids (list) – A list of all the MeSH_ID which are considered a reason to import

import_based_on_index(databasefolder, Neo4JImportPath, driver, similarity, chebi_ids, names, hmdb_ids, inchis, mesh_ids)[source]#

A function that searches inside a series of lists, provided as arguments, and imports the metabolites matching those present in them using a JSON file to map the bits of the databases where the relevant information lies

  • databasefolder (str) – The main folder where all the databases we will be using are to be found There must be an index.json file located in databasefolder/index.json

  • Neo4JImportPath (str) – The path which Neo4J will use to import data

  • driver (neo4j.Driver) – Neo4J’s Bolt Driver currently in use

  • similarity (bool) – Whether to use similarity as a measure to import or not

  • chebi_ids (list) – A list of all the ChEBI_ID which are considered a reason to import

  • names (list) – A list of all the Name which are considered a reason to import

  • hmdb_ids (list) – A list of all the HMDB_ID which are considered a reason to import

  • inchis (list) – A list of all the InChI which are considered a reason to import

  • mesh_ids (list) – A list of all the MeSH_ID which are considered a reason to import

improve_search_terms(driver, chebi_ids, names, hmdb_ids, inchis, mesh_ids)[source]#

Improves the search terms already provided to the CanGraph programme by processing the text stings and finding synonyms in various platforms

  • driver (neo4j.Driver) – Neo4J’s Bolt Driver currently in use

  • chebi_ids (str) – A string of “;” separated values of all the ChEBI_ID representing the current metabolite

  • names (list) – A string of “;” separated values of all the Name representing the current metabolite

  • hmdb_ids (list) – A string of “;” separated values of all the HMDB_ID representing the current metabolite

  • inchis (list) – A string of “;” separated values of all the InChI representing the current metabolite

  • mesh_ids (list) – A string of “;” separated values of all the MeSH_ID representing the current metabolite


A list containing [ chebi_ids, names, hmdb_ids, inchis, mesh_ids ], with all their synonyms

Return type


improve_search_terms_with_cts(query, query_type, chebi_ids, names, hmdb_ids, inchis, mesh_ids)[source]#

Improves the search terms already provided to the CanGraph programme by using The Chemical Translation Service to find synonyms in IDs

  • query (str) – The term we are currently querying for

  • query_type (str) – The kind of query to search; one of [“ChEBI_ID”, “HMDB_ID”, “Name”, “InChI”, “MeSH_ID”]

  • driver (neo4j.Driver) – Neo4J’s Bolt Driver currently in use

  • chebi_ids (str) – A string of “;” separated values of all the ChEBI_ID representing the current metabolite

  • names (list) – A string of “;” separated values of all the Name representing the current metabolite

  • hmdb_ids (list) – A string of “;” separated values of all the HMDB_ID representing the current metabolite

  • inchis (list) – A string of “;” separated values of all the InChI representing the current metabolite

  • mesh_ids (list) – A string of “;” separated values of all the MeSH_ID representing the current metabolite


A list containing [ chebi_ids, names, hmdb_ids, inchis, mesh_ids ], with all their synonyms

Return type


improve_search_terms_with_metanetx(query, query_type, driver, chebi_ids, names, hmdb_ids, inchis, mesh_ids)[source]#

Improves the search terms already provided to the CanGraph programme by using the MetaNetX web service to find synonyms in IDs

  • query (str) – The term we are currently querying for

  • query_type (str) – The kind of query to search; one of [“ChEBI_ID”, “HMDB_ID”, “Name”, “InChI”, “MeSH_ID”]

  • driver (neo4j.Driver) – Neo4J’s Bolt Driver currently in use

  • chebi_ids (str) – A string of “;” separated values of all the ChEBI_ID representing the current metabolite

  • names (list) – A string of “;” separated values of all the Name representing the current metabolite

  • hmdb_ids (list) – A string of “;” separated values of all the HMDB_ID representing the current metabolite

  • inchis (list) – A string of “;” separated values of all the InChI representing the current metabolite

  • mesh_ids (list) – A string of “;” separated values of all the MeSH_ID representing the current metabolite


A list containing [ chebi_ids, names, hmdb_ids, inchis, mesh_ids ], with all their synonyms

Return type


Links a recently-imported metabolite to the original data (that which caused it to be imported) by creating an ÒriginalMetabolite node that is (n)-[r:ORIGINALLY_IDENTIFIED_AS]->(a) related to the imported data

  • tx (neo4j.Session) – The session under which the driver is running

  • item_type (str) – The property to match in the Neo4J DataBase

  • item (dict) – The value of property `item_type`

  • import_based_on (list) – A list of the methods that turned out to be valid for import, such as Name, ChEBI_ID…


A Neo4J connexion to the database that modifies it according to the CYPHER statement contained in the function.

Return type



The function that executes the code


This function disables rdkit’s log messages, since rdkit seems to dislike the way some of the InChI strings it is getting from the databases are formatted






Match partial InChI based on DICE-MACCS










Fix find_protein_interactions_in_metanetx


Mover esa funcion de setup a misc




Document the following Schema Changes: * For Subject, we have a composite PK: Exposome_Explorer_ID, Age, Gender e Information * Now, more diseases will have a WikiData_ID and a related MeSH. This will help with networking. And, this diseases dont even need to be a part of a cancer! * The Gene nodes no longer exist in the full db? -> They do

CanGraph.miscelaneous module#

A python module that provides a collection of functions to be used across the different scripts present in the CanGraph package, with various, useful functionalities


Shows the DB Schema. This function is intended to be run only in Neo4J’s console, since it produces no output when called from the driver.


tx (neo4j.Session) – The session under which the driver is running


Make it download the image


Checks for the presence of a file or folder. If it exists, it returns the filepath; if it doesn’t, it raises an argparse.ArgumentTypeError, which tells argparse how to process file exclussion


Perhaps its not ideal, but I will be using this also to check for file existence throughout the CanGraph project, although the error type might not be correct


filepath (str) – The path of the file or folder whose existence is being checked


The original filepath, which now is sure to exist

Return type



argparse.ArgumentTypeError – If the file does not exist


Checks that a given string starts with any of the protocols accepted by the neo4j.Driver


string (str) – A string, which will normally represent the neo4j adress


The same string that was provided as an argument (required by argparse.ArgumentParser)

Return type



argparse.ArgumentTypeError – If the string is not of the correct protocol


A CYPHER query that gets all the nodes in a Neo4J database and removes them, in transactions of 100 rows to alleviate memory load


A text chain that represents the CYPHER query with the desired output. This can be run using:

Return type



This is an autocommit transaction. This means that, in order to not keep data in memory (and make running it with a huge amount of data) more efficient, you will need to add `:auto ` when calling it from the Neo4J browser, or call it as using from the driver.

connect_to_neo4j(port='bolt://localhost:7687', username='neo4j', password='neo4j')[source]#

A function that establishes a connection to the neo4j server and returns a Driver into which transactions can be passed

  • port (str) – The URL where the database is available to be queried. It must be of bolt:// format

  • username (str) – the username for your neo4j database; by default, neo4j

  • password (str) – the password for your database; by default, neo4j


An instance of Neo4J’s Bolt Driver that can be used

Return type



Since this is a really short function, this doesn’t really simplify the code that much, but it makes it much more re-usable and understandable

countlines(start, header=True, lines=0, begin_start=None)[source]#

A function that counts all the lines of code present in a given directory; useful to show off in Sphinx Docs

  • start (str) – The directory from which to start the line counting

  • header (bool) – whether to print a header, or not

  • lines (int) – Number of lines already counted; do not fill, only for recursion

  • begin_start (str) – The subdirectory currently in use; do not fill, only for recursion


The number of lines present in start

Return type


See also

This function was taken from StackOverflow #38543709


A CYPHER query that creates a neosemantics (n10s) constraint to hold all the RDF we will import.


tx (neo4j.Session) – The session under which the driver is running


A Neo4J connexion to the database that modifies it according to the CYPHER statement contained in the function.

Return type


See also

More information on this approach can be found in Neosemantics’ 101 Guide and in Neo4J’s guide on how to import data from Wikidata , where this approach was taken from

Deprecated since version 0.9: Since we are importing based on apoc.load.jsonParams, this is not needed anymore

download(url, folder)[source]#

Downloads a file from the internet into a given folder

  • url (str) – The Uniform Resource Locator for the Zipfile to be downloaded and unzipped

  • folder (str) – The folder under which the file will be stored.


The path where the file we just downloaded has been stored

Return type


download_and_untargz(url, folder)[source]#

Downloads and unzips a given tar.gz from the internet

  • url (str) – The Uniform Resource Locator for the tar.gz to be downloaded and unzipped

  • folder (str) – The folder under which the file will be stored.


This function downloads and unzips the file in the desired folder, but does not produce any particular return.

download_and_unzip(url, folder)[source]#

Downloads and unzips a given Zipfile from the internet; useful for databases which provide zip access.

  • url (str) – The Uniform Resource Locator for the Zipfile to be downloaded and unzipped

  • folder (str) – The folder under which the file will be stored.


This function downloads and unzips the file in the desired folder, but does not produce any particular return.

See also

Code snippets for this function were taken from Shyamal Vaderia’s Github and from StackOverflow #32123394


Exports a Neo4J graph to GraphML format. The graph will be exported to Neo4JImportPath


exportname (str) – The name for the exported file, which will be saved under ./Neo4JImportPath/


A Neo4J connexion to the database that exports the file, using batch optimizations and

smaller batch sizes to try to keep the impact on memory use low

Return type



for this to work, you HAVE TO have APOC availaible on your Neo4J installation


A function that runs an autocommit transaction to get Neo4J’s Import Path


By doing the Neo4JImportPath search this way (in two functions), we are able to run the query as a :obj: execute_read, which, unlike autocommit transactions, allows the query to be better controlled, and repeated in case it fails.


driver (neo4j.Driver) – Neo4J’s Bolt Driver currently in use


Neo4J’s Import Path, i.e., where Neo4J will pick up files to be imported using the `file:///` schema

Return type



Imports a GraphML file into a Neo4J graph. The file has to be located in Neo4JImportPath


importname (str) – The name for the file to be imported, which must be under ./Neo4JImportPath/


A Neo4J connexion to the database that imports the file, using batch optimizations and

smaller batch sizes to try to keep the impact on memory use low

Return type



for this to work, you HAVE TO have APOC availaible on your Neo4J installation


A simple function that kills any process that was started using a cmd argument including “neo4j”


neo4j_home (str) – the installation directory for the neo4j program; by default, neo4j


This function may unintendedly kill any command run from the neo4j folder. This is unfortunate, but the creation of this function was essential given that neo4j stop does not work properly; instead of dying, the process lingers on, interfering with find_neo4j_installation_status and hindering the main program

manage_transaction(tx, driver, num_retries=10, neo4j_home='neo4j', **kwargs)[source]#

A function that repeats transactions whenever an error is found. This may make an incorrect script unnecessarily repeat; however, since the error is printed, one can discriminate those out, and the function remains helpful to prevent SPARQL Read Time-Outs.

It will also re-start neo4j in case it randomly dies while executing a query.

  • tx (str) – The transaction that we desire to run, specified as a CYPHER query

  • driver (neo4j.Driver) – Neo4J’s Bolt Driver currently in use

  • num_retries (int) – The number of times that we wish the transaction to be retried

  • neo4j_home (str) – the installation directory for the neo4j program; by default, neo4j

  • **kwargs – Any number of arbitrary keyword arguments


Exception – An exception telling the user that the maximum number of retries has been exceded, if such a thing happens


The response from the Neo4J Database

Return type



This function does not accept args, but only kwargs (named keyword arguments). Thus, if you wish to add a parameter (say, number, you should add it as: number=33

merge_duplicate_nodes(node_types, node_property, optional_condition='', more_props='')[source]#

Removes any two nodes of any given `node_type` with the same `condition`.

  • node_types (str) – The labels of the nodes that will be selected for merging; i.e. n:Fruit OR n:Vegetable

  • node_property (str) – The node properties used for collecting, if not using all properties.

  • optional_condition (str) – An optional Neo4J Statement, starting with “AND”, to be added after the WHERE clause.


A Neo4J connexion to the database that modifies it according to the CYPHER statement contained in the function.

Return type



When using, take good care on how the keys names are written: sometimes, if a key is not present, all nodes will be merged!

old_sleep_with_counter(seconds, step=20, message='Waiting...')[source]#

A function that waits while showing a cute animation, but without using the ``alive_progress` module


This function interacts weirdly with slurn; I’d recommend to not use it on the HPC

  • seconds (int) – The number of seconds that we would like the program to wait for

  • step (int) – The number times the counter wheel will turn in a second; by default, 20

  • message (str) – An optional, text message to add to the waiting period

purge_database(driver, method=['merge', 'delete'])[source]#

A series of commands that purge a database, removing unnecessary, duplicated or empty nodes and merging those without required properties. This has been converted into a common function to standarize the ways the nodes are merged.


driver (neo4j.Driver): Neo4J’s Bolt Driver currently in use method (list): The part of the function that we want to execute; if [“delete”], only call

queries that delete nodes; if [“merge”], only call those that merge; if both, do both


This function modifies the Neo4J Database as desired, but does not produce any particular return.


When modifying, take good care on how the keys names are written: with merge_duplicate_nodes, sometimes, if a key is not present, all nodes will be merged!


Removes all nodes of type: ExternalEquivalent from he DataBase; since this do not add new info, one might consider them not useful.


tx (neo4j.Session) – The session under which the driver is running


A Neo4J connexion to the database that modifies it according to the CYPHER statement contained in the function.

Return type



Removes duplicated relationships between ANY existing pair of nodes.


tx (neo4j.Session) – The session under which the driver is running


A Neo4J connexion to the database that modifies it according to the CYPHER statement contained in the function.

Return type



Only deletes DIRECTED relationships between THE SAME nodes, combining their properties

See also

This way of working has been taken from StackOverflow #18724939


Removes the “_GraphConfig” node, which is necessary for querying SPARQL endpoints but not at all useful in our final export


tx (neo4j.Session) – The session under which the driver is running


A Neo4J connexion to the database that modifies it according to the CYPHER statement contained in the function.

Return type


Deprecated since version 0.9: Since we are importing based on apoc.load.jsonParams, this is not needed anymore


A simple function that (re)starts a neo4j server and returns its bolt adress


neo4j_home (str) – the installation directory for the neo4j program; by default, neo4j


Re-starting is better than starting, as it tries to kills old sessions (a task at which it fails miserably, thus the need for kill_neo4j), and, most importantly, because it returns the currently used bolt port


Scans a folder and finds all the files present in it


folder_path (str) – The folder that is to be scanned


A list of all the files in the folder, listed by their absolute path

Return type


sleep_with_counter(seconds, step=20, message='Waiting...')[source]#

A function that waits while showing a cute animation

  • seconds (int) – The number of seconds that we would like the program to wait for

  • step (int) – The number times the counter wheel will turn in a second; by default, 20

  • message (str) – An optional, text message to add to the waiting period

split_csv(filename, folder, sep=',', sep_out=',', startFrom=0, withStepsOf=1)[source]#

Splits a given .csv/tsv file in n smaller csv files, one for each row on the original file, so that it does not crash when processing it. It also allows to start reading from `startFrom` lines

  • filepath (str) – The path to the file that needs to be xplitted

  • splittag (str) – The tag based on which the file will be split

  • bigtag (str) – The main tag of the file, which needs to be re-added.


The number of files that have been produced from the original

Return type



The original file will be removed

split_xml(filepath, splittag, bigtag)[source]#

Splits a given .xml file in n smaller XML files, one for each splittag section that is pressent in the original file, which should be of type bigtag. For example, we might have an <hmdb> file which we want to slit based on the <metabolite> items therein contained. Ths is so that Neo4J does not crash when processing it.

  • filepath (str) – The path to the file that needs to be xplitted

  • splittag (str) – The tag based on which the file will be split

  • bigtag (str) – The main tag of the file, which needs to be re-added.


The number of files that have been produced from the original

Return type



The original file will be removed

untargz(file_path, folder)[source]#

Untargzs a file present at a given file_path into a given folder

  • url (str) – The Uniform Resource Locator for the Tarfile to be untargz

  • folder (str) – The folder under which the file will be stored.


The path where the file we just untargz has been stored

Return type


unzip(file_path, folder)[source]#

Unizps a file present at a given file_path into a given folder

  • url (str) – The Uniform Resource Locator for the Zipfile to be unzipped

  • folder (str) – The folder under which the file will be stored.


The path where the file we just unzipped has been stored

Return type


CanGraph.setup module#

A python module that prepares the local environment, to be able to run the main and deploy functions. This can be either run in an interactive way, requiring user input; or in a automatic way, in order to pre-configure things, for example, if you are using the singularity package

CanGraph.setup Usage#

To use this module:

A python module that prepares the local environment, to be able to run the CanGraph.main and CanGraph.deploy functions.

usage: python3 [-h] [-i] [-a] [--dbfolder [DBFOLDER]] [--git [GIT]]
                        [--requirements [REQUIREMENTS]] [-n [NEO4J]]
                        [--neo4j_username [NEO4J_USERNAME]]
                        [--neo4j_password [NEO4J_PASSWORD]]

Named Arguments#

-i, --interactive

tells the script if it wants interaction from the user and information shown to them; similar to –verbose

-a, --all

runs all the options below at once; equivalent to -dgnr; it DOES NOT activate the interactive mode


set up the databases from which the program will pull its info using the provided folder


prepare the git environment for the deploy script using the provided git folder


installs all the requirements needed for all the possible options from the given requirements file

-n, --neo4j

set up the neo4j local environment, to run from the provided folder


the username for the neo4j database


the password for the neo4j database

CanGraph.setup Functions#

This module is comprised of:


Parses the command line arguments into a more usable form, providing help and more


A dictionary of the different possible options for the program as keys, specifying their set value. If no command-line arguments are provided, the help message is shown and the program exits.

Return type



Note that, in Google Docstrings, if you want a multi-line Returns comment, you have to start it in a different line :(


The return must be of type argparse.ArgumentParser for the argparse directive to work and auto-gen docs


The --all```option has to be adressed outside of this function in order to not mess up the ``argparse directive in sphinx


By using argparse.const instead of argparse.default, the check_file function will check “” (the current dir, always exists) if the arg is not provided, not breaking the function; if it is, it checks it.

change_neo4j_password(new_password, old_password='neo4j', user='neo4j', database='system', neo4j_home='neo4j')[source]#

Changes the neo4j password for user user, from old_password to new_password, by using a simple query in cypher-shell

  • neo4j_home (str) – the installation directory for the neo4j program; by default, neo4j

  • new_password (str) – the new password for the database

  • old_password (str) – the old password for the database, needed for identification.

  • user (str) – the user for which the password is being changed.

  • database (str) – the name of the database for which we want to modify the password. By default, it is system, since Neo4J’s community edition only allows for one database




Checks for the presence of all the files that should be in “databasefolder/ExposomeExplorer”` for the ExposomeExplorer part of the script to run


databasefolder (str) – The main folder where all the databases we will be using are to be found


One of [“Splitted, “UnSplitted”, “Error”]. If “Error”, Exposome-Explorer should not be used as a data source; if “UnSplitted”, please split the “components” file.

Return type



Modifies the Neo4J conf file according to some recommendations provided by memrec, neo4j’s memory recommendator. It also enables the Awesome Procedures On Cypher (APOC) plugin from Neo4j Labs, and enables other basic confs such as file export and import or bigger timeouts


neo4j_home (str) – the installation directory for the neo4j program; by default, neo4j


In order to make the setup more consistent, this function also forces the Neo4JImportPath (dbms.directories.import) to be presented in an absolute way, instead of being relative to neo4j_home


Prompts the user with a final message.


interactive (bool) – Whether the session is set to be interactive or not

find_neo4j_installation_status(neo4j_home='neo4j', neo4j_username='neo4j', neo4j_password='neo4j')[source]#

Finds the installation status of Neo4J by trying to use it normally, and analyzing any thrown exceptions

  • neo4j_home (str) – the installation directory for the neo4j program; by default, neo4j

  • neo4j_username (str) – the username for the neo4j database; by default neo4j

  • neo4j_password (str) – the password for the neo4j database; by default neo4j


A list of two booleans: whether neo4j exists at neo4j_home, and whether the supplied credentials are valid or not

Return type



Prompts the user with an initial message if the session is set to be interactive.


interactive (bool) – Whether the session is set to be interactive or not

install_neo4j(neo4j_home='neo4j', interactive=False, version='4.4.0')[source]#

Installs the neo4j database program in the neo4j_home folder, by getting it from the internet according to the Operating System the script is been run in (aims for multi-platform!)

  • neo4j_home (str) – the installation directory for the neo4j program; by default, neo4j

  • interactive (str) – tells the script if it wants interaction from the user and information shown to them

  • version (str) – the version of the neo4j software that we wish to install

install_packages(requirements_file=None, package_name=None, interactive=False)[source]#

Automates installing packages using PIP

  • requirements_file (str) – The path to a “requirements.txt” file, containing one requirement per line

  • package_name (str) – A package to be installed

  • interactive (bool) – Whether the session is set to be interactive or not


ValueError – If neither a requirements_file nor a package_name is provided


The function that executes the code


Prepares the index file for all the databases present in the databasefolder folder, which will helpfully reduce processing time a lot


databasefolder (str) – The main folder where all the databases we will be using are to be found


A dictionary containing the index for all the databases in databasefolder. This index will be written as JSON in databasefolder/index.json

Return type


setup_databases(databasefolder='./DataBases', interactive=False)[source]#

Set Up the databasefolder from where the main script will take its data. It does so by creating or removing and re-creating the databasefolder, and putting inside it, or asking/checking if the user has put inside, the necessary files

  • databasefolder (str) – The main folder where all the databases we will be using are to be found

  • interactive (bool) – Whether the session is set to be interactive or not

setup_drugbank(databasefolder='./DataBases', interactive=False)[source]#

Sets up the files relative to the SMPDB database in the databasefolder, splitting them for easier processing later on.

  • databasefolder (str) – The main folder where all the databases we will be using are to be found

  • interactive (bool) – Whether the session is set to be interactive or not


True if everything went okay; False otherwise. If False, DrugBank should not be used as a data source

Return type



When updating the DrugBank DataBase Version, please edit this function to reflect the correct number of files

setup_exposome(databasefolder='./DataBases', interactive=False)[source]#

Sets up the files relative to the Exposome Explorer database in the databasefolder, splitting them for easier processing later on. If the session is set to be interactive, the user will be given time to add the files themselves; if not, the full suite of necessary files will be checked for their presence in databasefolder

Then, the “components” file will be splitted into one record oer line, as main requires

  • databasefolder (str) – The main folder where all the databases we will be using are to be found

  • interactive (bool) – Whether the session is set to be interactive or not


True if everything went okay; False otherwise. If False, Exposome-Explorer should not be used as a data source

Return type



When updating the Exposome Explorer DataBase Version, please edit check_exposome_files to reflect the correct number of files

setup_folders(databasefolder='./DataBases', interactive=False)[source]#

Creates the databasefolder if it does not exist. If it does, it either asks before overwriting in interactive mode, or directly overwrites in auto mode.

  • databasefolder (str) – The main folder where all the databases we will be using are to be found

  • interactive (bool) – Whether the session is set to be interactive or not


ValueError – If the Databases folder already exists (so as not to overwrite)


True if successful, False otherwise.

Return type



Set Up the Git environment for the deploy script. It does so by removing any existing remotes and setting two new ones: github and codeberg, with their respective branches


path_to_repo (str) – The path to the Git repo; by default, .git


Sets up the files relative to the HMDB database in the databasefolder, splitting them for easier processing later on.


databasefolder (str) – The main folder where all the databases we will be using are to be found


True if everything went okay; False otherwise. If False, DrugBank should not be used as a data source

Return type



When updating the Exposome Explorer DataBase Version, please edit check_exposome_files to reflect the correct number of files

setup_neo4j(neo4j_home='neo4j', neo4j_username='neo4j', neo4j_password='neo4j', interactive=False)[source]#

Sets ups the neo4j environment in neo4j_home, so that the functions in main can propperly function. Using the functions present in this module, it finds if neo4j is installed with default credentials, and, if not, it installs it, changing the default password to a new one, and returning its value

  • neo4j_home (str) – the installation directory for the neo4j program; by default, neo4j

  • neo4j_username (str) – the username for the neo4j database; by default neo4j

  • neo4j_password (str) – the password for the neo4j database; by default neo4j

  • interactive (str) – tells the script if it wants interaction from the user and information shown to them


The password that was set up for the new neo4j database. This is also written to .neo4jpassword

Return type



This has been designed to be used with a neo4j_home located in the WorkDir, but can be used in any other location with read/write access, or even with apt install installed versions! Just find its neo4j_home, make sure it has r/w access, and provide it to the program!


If no neo4j_password is provided or if neo4j_password = “neo4j”, the function will check for a previously created “.neo4jpassword” file, signalling a possible pre-existing database with known credentials


Sets up the files relative to the SMPDB database in the databasefolder, splitting them for easier processing later on.


databasefolder (str) – The main folder where all the databases we will be using are to be found


True if everything went okay; False otherwise. If False, DrugBank should not be used as a data source

Return type


update_neo4j_confs(key, value, conf_file='neo4j/conf/neo4j.conf')[source]#

Updates a preference on neo4j’s conf_file, given its name (key) and its expected value If a preference is set with a value other than key, said value will be overwritten; if it is commented, it will be uncommented (thanks to regex!)

  • conf_file (str) – The location for ne4j’s configuration file; usually, it should be neo4j/conf/neo4j.conf

  • key (str) – The key for neo4j’s configuration parameter that is being set up

  • value (str) – The value for said parameter