CanGraph.GraphifySMPDB package#

The Schema for the GraphifySMPDB package, shown on Neo4J browser

This script, created as part of my Master’s Intenship at IARC, transitions the Small Molecule Pathway Database (a high quality database containing associations betweem metabolites, proteins and metabolomic pathways) to Neo4J format in an automated way, providing an export in GraphML format.

To run, it uses alive_progress to generate an interactive progress bar (that shows the script is still running through its most time-consuming parts) and the neo4j python driver. This requirements can be installed using: pip install -r requirements.txt.

To run the script itself, use:

python3 neo4jadress databasename databasepassword


  • neo4jadress: is the URL of the database, in neo4j:// or bolt:// format

  • databasename: the name of the database in use. If using the free version, there will only be one database per project (neo4j being the default name); if using the pro version, you can specify an alternate name here

  • databasepassword: the passowrd for the databasename DataBase. Since the arguments are passed by BaSH onto python3, you might need to escape special characters

NOTE: The files will be downloaded to ./csvfolder, so please run the script somewhere you have read/write permissions

An archived version of this repository that takes into account the gitignored files can be created using: git archive HEAD -o ${PWD##*/}.zip

Important Notices on SMPDB#

  • Please ensure you have internet access, enough espace in your hard drive (around 5 GB) and read-write access in ./csvfolder. The files needed to build the database will be stored there.

  • Since the “Structure” files at seemed to be super complicated to import, we decided against doing so. However, regarding the future, they shouldn’t be overlooked, as they might include useful info

  • The “PW ID” column from the “Pathways” table, and the “Pathway Subject” from the “Metabolite” tables may correlate (both start with PW). However, they seem to use different formats, so we have decided against including them in the Final Database

The package consists of the following modules:

CanGraph.GraphifySMPDB.build_database module#

A python module that provides the necessary functions to transition the SMPDB database to graph format, either from scratch importing all the nodes (as showcased in CanGraph.GraphifySMPDB.main) or in a case-by-case basis, to annotate existing metabolites (as showcased in CanGraph.main).


Adds “Metabolite” nodes to the database, according to individual CSVs present in the SMPDB website

  • tx (neo4j.Session) – The session under which the driver is running

  • filename (str) – The name of the CSV file that is being imported


A Neo4J connexion to the database that modifies it according to the CYPHER statement contained in the function.

Return type



Some of the node’s properties might be set to “null” (important in order to work with it)


This database clearly differentiates Metabolites and Proteins, so no overlap is accounted for


Adds “Pathways” nodes to the database, according to individual CSVs present in the SMPDB website Since this is done after the creation of said pathways in the last step, this will most likely just annotate them.

  • tx (neo4j.Session) – The session under which the driver is running

  • filename (str) – The name of the CSV file that is being imported


A Neo4J connexion to the database that modifies it according to the CYPHER statement contained in the function.

Return type



This file is really big. It could be divided into smaller ones.


Adds “Protein” nodes to the database, according to individual CSVs present in the SMPDB website

  • tx (neo4j.Session) – The session under which the driver is running

  • filename (str) – The name of the CSV file that is being imported


A Neo4J connexion to the database that modifies it according to the CYPHER statement contained in the function.

Return type



Some of the node’s properties might be set to “null” (important in order to work with it)


This database clearly differentiates Metabolites and Proteins, so no overlap is accounted for


Why is the SMPDB_ID property called like that and not SMDB_ID?


Since no unique identifier was found, CREATE had to be used (instead of merge). This might create duplicates. which should be accounted for.

add_sequence(seq_id, seq_name, seq_type, seq, seq_format='FASTA')[source]#

Adds “Pathways” nodes to the database, according to the sequences presented in FASTA files from the SMPDB website

  • tx (neo4j.Session) – The session under which the driver is running

  • seq_id (str) – The UniProt Database Identifier for the sequence that is been imported

  • seq_name (str) – The Name (i.e. FASTA header) of the Sequence that is been imported

  • seq_type (bool) – The type of the sequence; can be either of [“DNA”, “PROT”]

  • seq (str) – The seuqnce that is been imported; a text chain of nucleotides or aminoacids, identified by their acronyms

  • seq_format (str) – The format the sequence is provided under; default is “FASTA”, but its optional


A Neo4J connexion to the database that modifies it according to the CYPHER statement contained in the function.

Return type


build_from_file(filepath, Neo4JImportPath, driver, filetype)[source]#

A function able to build a portion of the SMPDB in graph format, provided that one CSV is supplied to it. This CSVs are downloaded from the website, and can be presented either as the full file, or as a splitted version of it, with just one item per file (which is recommended due to memory limitations)

Since file title represents a different pathway, the function automatically picks up and import the relative pathway node.

  • filepath (str) – The path to the current file being imported

  • Neo4JImportPath (str) – The path from which Neo4J is importing data

  • driver (neo4j.Driver) – Neo4J’s Bolt Driver currently in use

  • filetype (bool) – The type of file being imported; one of ether [“Metabolite”, “Protein”]- If the file is a FASTA sequence store, this will be auto-detected.


This function modifies the Neo4J Database as desired, but does not produce any particular return.


Since this adds a ton of low-resolution nodes, maybe have this db run first?

CanGraph.GraphifySMPDB.main module#

A python module that leverages the functions present in the build_database module to recreate the SMPDB database using a graph format and Neo4J, and then provides an GraphML export file.

Please note that, to work, the functions here pre-suppose you have internet access, which will be used to download HMDB’s CSVs under `./csvfolder/` (please ensure you have read-write access there).

For more details on how to run this script, please consult the package’s README


Imports the `smpdb_gene.fasta` file from the SMPDB Database. The function assumes the file is availaible at `./csvfolder/smpdb_gene.fasta`


Neo4JImportPath (str) – The path from which Neo4J is importing data


This function modifies the Neo4J Database as desired, but does not produce any particular return.

import_metabolites(filename, Neo4JImportPath)[source]#

Imports “Metabolite” files from the SMPDB Database. The function assumes `filename` is availaible at `./csvfolder/smpdb_metabolites/`

  • filename (str) – The name of the CSV file that is being imported

  • Neo4JImportPath (str) – The path from which Neo4J is importing data


This function modifies the Neo4J Database as desired, but does not produce any particular return.


Imports the `smpdb_pathways.csv` file from the SMPDB Database. The function assumes the file is availaible at `./csvfolder/smpdb_gene.fasta`


Neo4JImportPath (str) – The path from which Neo4J is importing data


This function modifies the Neo4J Database as desired, but does not produce any particular return.


Imports the `smpdb_protein.fasta` file from the SMPDB Database. The function assumes the file is availaible at `./csvfolder/smpdb_protein.fasta`


Neo4JImportPath (str) – The path from which Neo4J is importing data


This function modifies the Neo4J Database as desired, but does not produce any particular return.

import_proteins(filename, Neo4JImportPath)[source]#

Imports “Protein” files from the SMPDB Database. The function assumes `filename` is availaible at `./csvfolder/smpdb_proteins/`

  • filename (str) – The name of the CSV file that is being imported

  • Neo4JImportPath (str) – The path from which Neo4J is importing data


This function modifies the Neo4J Database as desired, but does not produce any particular return.


The function that executes the code